In July 2022, Huntsville City Police Department hosted a Back-to-School Supply Drive to gather school supplies for surrounding Huntsville schools. They raised backpacks, pencils, markers, crayons, paper, notebooks, and other school supplies to help teachers provide necessary supplies to their students for the year.
NTA, Inc. partnered with Huntsville City Police Department to join in their efforts for raising school supplies this July by encouraging its employees to donate school supplies. As a company, NTA donated 10 backpacks with more than 400 school supply items for students in need in Huntsville.
“We are proud to donate so many supplies to Huntsville students,” said Shannon Fields, President of NTA, Inc. “It’s all because of our employees’ generosity and engagement in this drive.”
The new school year began on August 2nd, so the drive ended just in time for students and teachers to receive all of the donated supplies.