NTA supported an evaluation of state-of-the-art GPS anti-jam technologies for integration on an unmanned aircraft system. Along with performance data, the technical advantages and disadvantages of each anti-jam technology were evaluated in a trade study. NTA developed the hardware, calibration procedures, and HWIL validation procedures to test sub-picosecond wave-front anti-jam technologies. The HWIL wave-front simulator was vetted and characterized within the context of mitigating HWIL artifacts and their effects. Based on the results of the hardware evaluation, the most technically beneficial anti-jam technology was recommended. This technology also represented the lowest risk option for integration by meeting the size, weight, and power requirements for the platform, which provided the customer with the capability to perform field-application retrofits. Then the integrated navigation hardware – INS and anti-jam technology – was tested in multiple live-sky threat environments, the results of which were compared to the HWIL evaluations.